I was taking the trash out to the curb when I looked up and saw this. I hurried back up to the condo to get a camera to take some pictures while this was quickly going away. I think this is called Undulatus, more specifically Undulatus over Indianapolis. The west side. Years ago, I found a site on the internet called the Cloud Appreciation Society. It made me happy when I found it and it makes me happy when I look at it today. I love art that is made of nothing more than the sky above us. I like this particular image when viewed on a screen device. This one does not make as nice a print as I would like. I happened to have my camera set to produce a strong grain effect and this comes out more in print than it does on the screen. I don’t remember why I’d set the strong grain setting and then forgot about it. One of those things in our world full of tech that trip you up when you don’t want it. Be sure to visit the Cloud Appreciation Society sometime instead of working.
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