Welcome to Denver

Minus 6 degrees F. outside this morning with a wind chill measure that says it feels like minus 42. Those were more or less the conditions when I saw this fella riding the bike to school back then. Difference being that today is Sunday and tomorrow is a holiday, so folks won’t be outside in the weather because of school. Today is sister Kate’s birthday. We had just moved from Yakima Washington to Northglenn Colorado where Dad and brother Kevin shared the driving of the carload of us, including our cat on a three-day trip, during the first week of January, through blizzard conditions in Wyoming that included a breakdown of our two-door Plymouth Fury. Mom flew on what I’m guessing would not have been a direct flight, a couple of days after we were getting settled into our rented house and a couple of days before she gave birth to Kate. She said when the plane landed in Denver the crew announced, “Welcome to Denver Mrs. Casey!” and people cheered. Welcome to Denver.


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